
People working on the front lines for children deserve our special thanks.


AIDS Resource Center Ohio, Vision Award

CASA of Franklin County, Child Advocacy Award

Center for Effective Discipline, Angel Award

Central Ohio Breathing Association, Alice Schille Award For Tobacco Use Prevention For Youth; John W. Champion Award For Excellence In Philanthropy

Child and Family Resources, Martha K. Rothman Lifetime Achievement Award (Russell and Barbara Miller)

Children's Hunger Alliance, Advocacy Award; Marion Wearly Founder's Award

Columbus Association for the Education of Young Children, Citizen's Award

Directions for Youth, The Margaret Hoskins Founder's Award for Service to Youth

Florence Crittenton Home and Services, Crittenton Century Award

Hyatt Legal Services, Community Legal Services Award

Ohio Caring Program for Children, Circle of Leaders

Ohio CASA/GAL Association, Child Advocate of the Year

Shawnee State University, Commencement Speaker (Barbara Miller)

Syntaxis Youth Homes, Humanitarian of the Year