Grant Requests

Grant proposals may be submitted at any time.


The Foundation’s primary interest is in early childhood development and learning, targeting children ages 0-5.

The Foundation looks for initiatives that:

  • Understand the importance of early brain and language development.
  • Enable children to develop the physical and social skills, and confidence that will assure a better start in life.
  • Provide parents with tools to talk and read with their children from the day they are born.
  • Minimize the toxic stress that impairs a young child’s potential to thrive.
  • Advocate for public policies that expand the provision of high quality early childhood education in neighborhoods and communities.


By email, send your request in a PDF that should include:

  • A 1-3 page letter that describes the project, its objectives, time frame, total cost, the amount you are requesting, contact person(s), a business mailing address, phone number and Federal Employer Identification Number.
  • A page containing the budget (revenue and expenses) for the organization or program, including the grant requested from the Foundation

TO: Randall Cobb, Chief Operating Officer